A year ago today

12 months ago, Glenn Beck set off a firestorm when, appearing on Fox & Friends to discuss President Obama's response to the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, he called Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”

Beck's comments resulted in a fusillade of criticism from other media outlets, staunch defenses from his Fox bosses and colleagues, and a massive advertising boycott that has reduced Beck's commercial breaks to a stream of ads for gold, Fox and other News Corp. companies, and As-Seen-On-TV products.

Today, we at Media Matters are reviewing what Beck has been up to on race over the past year; how calling the president and members of his administration racist -- which used to be controversial -- is now a routine occurrence for the right-wing media; and Fox News' history of race-baiting.

One year after calling Obama a “racist,” Beck is still busy race-baiting

One year ago today, Glenn Beck called President Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people.” Since those explosive comments, Beck has continued to use racially charged rhetoric while his colleagues at Fox News have defended him, even in the face of a growing advertiser boycott.

One year later: Right-wing media routinely call Obama racist

On July 28, 2009, Glenn Beck called President Obama a “racist” with a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.” While Beck has reportedly lost more than 100 advertisers since he made those comments, right-wing media figures now routinely call Obama or members of his administration “racist.”

Fox News' race-baiting: We report, then divide

Howard Dean and Joan Walsh recently called out Fox News, criticizing what they called its “racist” handling of the deceptively edited Shirley Sherrod video clip. Indeed, Fox News and its personalities have a long history of aggressive race-baiting and racially charged commentary.