This is what an echo chamber looks like

During an interview with ABC News when the Shirley Sherrod story was breaking, I made a reference to the Republican Noise Machine that shapes so much of our news narrative. The ABC News reporter jumped in and asked if the Left didn't have its own noise machine. Not like this, I laughed.

And here's the kind of thing I had in mind when I said that: Just the complete dominance the right-wing media enjoy within our established media landscape. Y'know, our liberal media landscape.

Earlier this week, for whatever reason, it was Karl Rove Day in right-wing world. The proclamation was a bit odd since Rove wasn't even peddling a new book. Nonetheless, Rove made the far-right media rounds where he plastered the airwaves with a steady stream of falsehoods and assorted whoppers.

First, the GOP operative who helps run a $30 million fundraising slush fund for the GOP, guest-hosted Rush Limbaugh's show and repeated this ancient lie:

Then he's scooted over to Fox News' Neil Cavuto show to lie about impeachment:

He ended his night appearing on The O'Reilly Factor, mocking the working class:

And then On the Record commemorated Rove's Limbaugh stint for the ages:

That's what a noise machine looks and sounds like and that's how Rove plugged into it for one working day. And no, the Left doesn't have anything that compares to it.