Rosen: "[M]inority activists" and others “will go to sleep tonight with visions of political sugar plums dancing in their heads if Democrats sweep the field”

During the November 7 broadcast of his Newsradio 850 KOA show, host Mike Rosen stated that "[r]adical environmentalists, feminists, trial lawyers, the ACLU, nannyists, minority activists, gun controllers, illegal immigrants, socialists -- all those who want something from government at someone else's expense, will go to sleep tonight with visions of political sugar plums dancing in their heads if Democrats sweep the field." Rosen's remarks mirrored those in his November 3 Rocky Mountain News column, “Gut-check time for GOP.”

According to a November 6 article in the News, “Mike Rosen will anchor [election night] coverage on KOA-AM (850).”

From the November 7 broadcast of Newsradio 850 KOA's The Mike Rosen Show:

ROSEN: But after the votes are counted tonight, one party or the other will have a majority of seats in each house of Congress. One party or the other will have a majority of seats in the Colorado state legislature. And either Republican Bob Beauprez or Democrat Bill Ritter will be the next governor of Colorado. The Democrat coalition is giddy with anticipation of a Democrat monopoly in Colorado government; controlling the Supreme Court, which they already do, the legislature, and the governor's office for the first time in memory.

Labor unions -- especially the teachers unions -- are salivating at the prospect of the windfalls that await them with a Democrat monopoly in state government. Radical environmentalists, feminists, trial lawyers, the ACLU, nannyists, minority activists, gun controllers, illegal immigrants, socialists -- all those who want something from government at someone else's expense, will go to sleep tonight with visions of political sugar plums dancing in their heads if Democrats sweep the field. Nationally, Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] dreams of being speaker of the House. Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan imagine testifying at President Bush's impeachment hearings. Al Franken fantasizes about Hillary's -- being Hillary's presidential press secretary in 2009. And he'll probably be out of work since Air America is already bankrupt.

It's time for a Republican gut check. That's my final point. If you haven't already voted and if you're a Republican or a conservative leaning independent, it's time for a gut check. If frustrated conservatives think spending has been too high under the party that favors limited government, wait till they see how high it goes under the party of unlimited government. If you don't like the way things are going since we've taken the offensive in the war against Islamo-fascism, you'll like it even less when Democrats put us on the defensive. Democrats and media liberals are hoping that disgruntled conservatives stay home today. Election Day. You can be sure the Democrat coalition won't be staying home. Those are your rivals.