“Oil”-Reilly again gushed misleading Iraqi oil statistics

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Fox News host Bill O'Reilly again misleadingly maintained that Iraqi oil production is one of the success stories of the war, reporting that "[o]il production is up to 100 percent." As Media Matters for America has previously explained, O'Reilly ignores the fact that the current capacity of the Iraqi oil industry has greatly diminished from pre-war levels. While Iraq may indeed be producing at current capacity, the overall amount of oil the nation is producing is less than before the war.

From the September 26 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: Yes, we have very, very good contacts and military analysts. None of them are saying that the war is being lost. Let me just submit to you this. Sixteen out of the 19 provinces in Iraq are pacified. Oil production is up to 100 percent. And there are vast improvements in the north and southern parts of the country.