Lebron Choice Caps Overhyped Coverage

ESPN is sure to get a ratings coup by having Le Bron James announce his choice of where to play basketball on the sports network at 9 p.m. Thursday.

But is scheduling the announcement as part of a one-hour special on the cable channel going too far? Yes.

But not unusual given the way the speculation has exploded on this story and the way cable television takes such ratings events to the extreme.

“Norby Williamson, ESPN's vice president of production, said Wednesday that sportscaster Jim Gray will handle the introduction, announcement and questions. Gray was hand-picked by James' team, who approached the network last week about the special,” ESPN reports. “Gray and James will be at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Conn., where the interview will take place, ESPN said. The broadcast also will include a long-form interview with ESPN's Michael Wilbon and others via satellite from ESPN's studios in Bristol, Conn.”

See a bit of the overspeculation below: