Indianapolis Star's Premature NCAA Victory Report

The Indianapolis Star, which had the double duty of covering the NCAA men's basketball Final Four in its hometown and the nearby cinderalla Butler University team in Monday night's final game, apparently got a little ahead of itself with the winning story., the sports news Web site, reports that the Star Web site published an online photo and story indicating Butler had won, with a headline declaring: “Storybook Stunner.” The final score was a close classic at the buzzer, but with Duke University winning 61-59.

“It's an honest mistake, like when a newspaper prematurely publishes a president's obituary or you accidentally call the boss's wife a whore,” Deadspin writes. “Hey, it happens! Let's not dwell on it forever and ever and ever ...."

That is another lesson of life in the quick-reporting world of the Internet.

For those who missed the great final shot by Butler that almost won it, here it is below: