Have To Love This Cheers and Jeers Headline

TV Guide's famed Cheers and Jeers column had it right today with this entry on NBC's ongoing bad treatment of Conan O'Brien:

NBC to Conan: Go Fox Yourself!

jeersto NBC for nixing plans for Conan O'Brien to appear on Fox's Idol Gives Back. Producers asked the former Tonight Show host to appear on the charitable broadcast April 21, but the Peacock network is enforcing its moratorium that prohibits Conan from making any TV appearances before May 1. And we're sure this has nothing to do with the fact that O'Brien is negotiating with Fox to launch a late-night show that would take on Jay Leno in the fall. Really, NBC, didn't you come out of this whole imbroglio looking bad enough? Now you have to impede a program that assists starving children around the world? As Conan would say, that's no way to “be cool, my babies.”

Just when you thought network executives had reached the bottom.