Conservative activist who was punched at N.C. rally charged with assault

Wonder if Fox News and the right-wing blogosphere will emphasize that fact; a fact that raises some questions regarding the the story both media were wildly hyping yesterday about 'thuggish,' rogue violence on the left that unfolded at a protest against Rep. Mel Watt's office in Greensboro, North Carolina. In fact, the conservative activist who was punched, Nathan Tabor, even went on Fox News and suggested Obama was to blame for the attack.

Now that we've learned the activist himself was also charged with simple assault (i.e. he was equally culpable for the violence in the eyes of law enforcement), will people wonder if the RNC was really to blame for his actions?

UPDATED: Irony alert -- the conservative activists in N.C. were protesting outside of the office of Democrat Watts against any proposed government bailout of big oil. If that was the case, they should have been protesting outside the office of a Republican, since a proposed big oil bailout was championed in the senate by Republican Lisa Murkowski.

UPDATED: It's just a matter of time before `wingers unleash their venom on local N.C. law enforcement and likely concoct conspiracies to suggest how cops were in on the cover-up. Because that's what the right-wing does when facts get in the way of their favorite tale; they attack law enforcement.

Doesn't seem like a conservative value, does it?