Boyles guest Anderson again defended his implication that Latinos “breed” like “chickens and rats”
Written by Media Matters Staff
On the June 15 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show, frequent guest Terry Anderson again defended a remark he had made to host Peter Boyles on an earlier show implying that Latinos “breed” like “chickens and rats,” insisting that his derogatory remark was a “valid comparison.”
An irate caller who identified himself as Hispanic objected to Anderson's appearance on Boyles' show, accusing Anderson of “talking about Hispanics breeding like dogs, referring to 'em as animals” on an earlier broadcast. Anderson then told Boyles, “I don't care, I don't care if this, this idiot, is this clown is irritated or not. First of all, he's a liar. He's a lying sack of beef manure. I never said they breed like dogs.” After the caller clarified, saying, “You said something about them as animals,” Anderson stated:
ANDERSON: I never made a reference to them as animals. What I said -- and I didn't say Hispanics -- what I said is, we have people that come to our country now and have, and have a culture of breeding like chickens or rats. I didn't say animals.
Later, Anderson again addressed the caller's charge, defending his remark as a “valid comparison”:
ANDERSON: Now, [caller] is claiming that I, I'm being racial. No, I'm being factual, and you may not like my comparison, but it is a valid comparison. And the valid comparison comes from the fact that people are havin' too many babies in certain segments of our society. Now, that used to be the fact with blacks. We used to have a lot of kids. We don't do that anymore.
Anderson -- whose Los Angeles-based KRLA talk show airs for one hour on Sunday evenings -- has made racially insensitive comments on more than one occasion as Boyles' guest. On October 16, 2006, Anderson blamed Hispanic students for starting riots that occur “almost on a weekly basis” in Los Angeles high schools. Additionally, after telling Boyles on October 25, 2006, that “this will give you some controversy,” Anderson referred to illegal immigrants as “the chosen people” and “the Israelites of the new millennium.” He added, “These people can do anything and get away with it.”
On his May 21 show, Boyles told Anderson that a “Latino guy” complained to him about “the derogatory things” Anderson has said on Boyles' show: “He said you ... used a term once called ”they breed like flies." Anderson replied, “I never used that ... I said chickens and rats, but never flies.” Anderson further stated, “If you've got a certain segment of ... our communities out here who have five, six, seven kids, and the other segments of the communities are only having one and two children, I think it's a fair assessment.”
From the June 15 broadcast of 630 KHOW-AM's The Peter Boyles Show:
CALLER: All right, thank you, sir. Hey, listen, Peter, I listen to you all the time, and I am a conservative, I am a Christian, I am Hispanic. I've been, I've been born and raised here in Colorado, but this clown that you have on with you -- Terry here -- I think's really a, a disgrace to the black race. And let me just tell you why I think that. My issue with him really is, is a few weeks ago, he said it before, but I guess it just really struck me a few weeks ago when he was talking about Hispanics breeding like dogs, referring to 'em as animals. And he said, “I take no issue” -- and this is what he said then -- and you can talk about the blacks, he said, “I take no issue with people saying that 70 or 80 percent of black men have children out of wedlock.” Well, yeah, that -- he, he gives them percentages and then he calls Hispanics blacks. OK, let's use some percentages with Hispanics, but to call them animals, I mean that'd be like me saying that blacks, you know, will, will stick it in anything with a hole in it. I mean, that's, that's the same type of rhetoric and disgusting language that he uses to, towards Hispanics. And that, that really is irritating to me.
BOYLES: All right, Terry.
CALLER: I think that --
ANDERSON: I, I don't care, I don't care if this, this idiot, is this clown is irritated or not. First of all, he's a liar. He's a lying sack of beef manure. I never said they breed like dogs.
CALLER: Yes you did. You said it on the radio.
ANDERSON: Well, I believe it's my turn to talk, sir. I did not interrupt you.
CALLER: I appreciate that.
ANDERSON: Did your mama teach you any manners?
CALLER: [unintelligible] Go ahead.
ANDERSON: Thank -- oh, thanks. I appreciate it.
ANDERSON: I never said that. You can check any transcript you want. I've never said Hispanics breed like dogs. First of all, I never use the word --
CALLER: What reference did you make to them as an animal, then?
ANDERSON: Well, OK, you let me know.
CALLER: You said something about them as animals.
ANDERSON: I'll be quiet till it's my turn.
CALLER: You -- you made a reference to 'em as animals.
ANDERSON: OK, is it my turn now, finally?
CALLER: Go ahead. Yeah.
ANDERSON: OK. I never made a reference to them as animals. What I said -- and I didn't say Hispanics -- what I said is, we have people that come to our country now and have, and have a culture of breeding like chickens or rats. I didn't say animals.
CALLER: What, what is that? An animal.
ANDERSON: OK -- all, all right -- just get your quotes right, OK? I did not say Hispanics. Some of these countries, some of these countries send us people who have lots and lots of babies. Now, what I said was, about, about blacks was, I said, you know what, I don't like the fact that, that, that 70 percent of black households don't have a father in it. But it is the truth. It is the truth.
ANDERSON: When we have the Olympics every four years, the, the, the, the kid from East L.A. who gets in the boxing ring, he's my brother. OK? The kid from, from, from Wisconsin who, who, who's a gymnast, he's my brother, white kid. The Asian kid who, who may be a gymnast or a swimmer, or whatever. He's my brother. I root for the American. I don't root for the guy from Ghana or Ethiopia because he happens to be black like me. I root for the American. I don't care what race they are. I don't do the racial thing. Now, [caller] is claiming that I, I'm being racial. No, I'm being factual, and you may not like my comparison, but it is a valid comparison. And the valid comparison comes from the fact that people are havin' too many babies in certain segments of our society. Now, that used to be the fact with blacks. We used to have a lot of kids. We don't do that anymore. I don't -- I guess 'cause there's no daddies in the house, I don't know. But the reason is, the reason is -- I do this is because it is, it is a, it is a reasonable thing to say. Now, you may not like the comparison, but I will not stop making that comparison until they stop having this many kids.