Reporter Shoots Down Fox's Scapegoating Of Immigrants For Medicare Errors

Hill reporter Elise Viebeck shot down Fox News' continued attempt to scapegoat undocumented immigrants for improper Medicare payments, disputing the claim that undocumented immigrants were willingly involved in defrauding the federal government of millions of dollars.

On October 30, the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services released a report finding that from 2009 through 2011, Medicare inappropriately paid out $29 million in drug benefits for undocumented immigrants.

The report explained that the payments were made erroneously because the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does not have a policy in place to screen undocumented immigrants from receiving benefits under its drug prescription plan, Medicare Part D.

But Fox News seized on the report to pile false attacks on undocumented immigrants and smear them, using dehumanizing terms like “illegal aliens.”

Discussing the OIG report on Fox News' On The Record, Viebeck refuted host Greta Van Susteren's suggestion that CMS was “knowingly” paying insurance companies for Medicare drug benefits to undocumented immigrants. Viebeck noted that CMS “didn't have policies in place that would have caught” undocumented immigrants and “vetted them one by one in terms of their immigration status.”

She continued:

VIEBECK: The way Medicare Part D works is, people have their plans offered through a private insurance company, and then those insurance companies bill the federal government. And so, the federal government was effectively paying insurance companies on behalf of patients that apparently the insurance companies hadn't vetted extensively enough. They thought they might have been eligible for Medicare, but they weren't because they're illegal immigrants.

Viebeck went on to say that “these are not individual immigrants who are trying to defraud the federal government. This all happens through insurance companies. It's basically one gigantic error.”