Conservative pundits continue to root against the U.S. economy

As I mentioned last week when the shockingly good (or, shockingly not bad) job numbers were released, it will be interesting to see how conservative pundits react. The right-wing media seems to have tied their hopes on the U.S. economy remaining in the ditch. And any sort of turn around, particularly in job growth, represents very bad news for the Obama haters.

But how do you sustain a political, and media, movement that's build around the hope that as many Americans as possible lose their jobs and remained unemployed? It's an unsightly platform to rally around, but so far conservative pundits seem to be doing just that.

Check out Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal. Here's the headline to today's column

ObamaJobs: Uncle Sam's Hiring Hall

First, in a column devoted to the topic of jobs, Henninger magically forgot to mention the jobs numbers from Friday; the optimistic job report that Obama's critics don't want to acknowledge.

Second, watch how Henninger dismisses the idea of an economic recovery [emphasis added]:

Every serious person should welcome the president's proposals to lift the dormant economy and reduce unemployment. Not because every serious person would agree with them but because they are a clear test of how a left-wing government would run the American economy. If this works, hats off to them and we become France.

If not, Americans may finally dump left-wing economics into the ash heap of history, starting next November and then in the next presidential election, which can't come soon enough.

Note the open disdain Henninger has for the idea of an economic recovery, and how he claims that even if job creation works, it will be the wrong kind of recovery. Andn that even if the unemployment rate falls it will be because Obama ruined America in the process. (i.e. Turned it into France.) Henninger would clearly prefer Obama get blamed for continued high unemployed “next November and then in the next presidential election.”

It seems obvious that Henninger doesn't really care about people today who are unemployed, and in fact, because of his partisan blinders, he'd actually prefer that people remain unemployed so he can writes columns slamming Obama.

Me? I just wish conservatives would stop rooting against America.