Kettle? Black

Right-wing blogs all atwitter that Sarah Palin's attorney has pretty much threatened legal action against any news outlet that prints false information about the prominent public figure. (Good luck with that.) And especially news outlets that re-print a corruption rumor about Palin aired by a supposedly evil liberal blogger, Shannyn Moore.

If I have to spell out the deep irony here, I will: Right-wing bloggers, who traffic in misinformation about public (and private) figures pretty much 24/7, are now putting liberals on notice that if they print or post anything nasty about Sarah Palin--if they slander her--they're in for deep trouble.

That's rich.

And who's out front leading the truth-telling pack? Gateway Pundit, a site which, if forced to post only items that were actually fact-checked, might have nothing to publish at all.

If right-wing blogs want to be taken seriously as the press police, if they want to lecture journalists about how to do their jobs, it might help if they didn't spend so much of their time concocting loopy, dead-end conspiracy theories.

Just a thought.