Stay classy, Chicago Sun-Times, cont'd

Just to update our post below regarding the Sun-Times' remarkably bad Rahm Emanuel/Blago report, the AP is now reporting that prosecutors have more formally confirmed that Emanuel is not the target of any investigation because he did nothing wrong. But of course that won't stop the press from clinging on its Blago story. “This story will not go away,” Politico's John Harris announced on Hardball, until the White House discloses who talked to Blago.

Again, not to be repetitious, but the press will remain in a frenzy until it finds out which Obama aides talked to Blago. Until it finds out which aides talked to Blago and did nothing wrong. This really has been a landmark week for the Beltway press.

And BTW, Emanuel, no doubt thanks to the wildly irresponsible reporting this week, has received Blago-related death threats.