Obama Smear Machine Wash. Times Criticizes Obama For Anti-Smear Site

In a September 14 editorial, The Washington Times criticized the Obama campaign's Attack Watch website, an effort by the campaign to combat falsehoods and smears against President Obama. Not surprisingly, the Times -- which regularly publishes falsehoods and smears against Obama -- was not impressed:

Building a national database of informants is the work of an obsessive, fearful and desperate team. It reflects the strident insecurity of a leader who is not used to hard criticism. It plays to the creepy authoritarian strain of leftist politics, the stratum that considers democracy a messy and useless impediment to the realization of utopia. It is a bad idea, poorly executed. If you'd like to report us for saying so, the address is www.attackwatch.com.

The Times, of course, has been a leading manufacturer of Obama smears and falsehoods for several years. It also notably employs columnist Jeffery Kuhner, who in 2007 published the lie that Obama was educated in a madrassa in Indonesia -- a lie that was eventually trumpeted by Fox News.

Here are just a few examples of The Washington Times' never-ending smears against Obama: