Shep Smith defies Fox, calls for giving more resources for research to stop gun violence

Smith: “We put a man on the moon 50 years ago and we can't figure out why only our children are running around in their schools killing each other”

From the February 15 edition of Fox News' Shepard Smith Reporting:

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SHEPARD SMITH (HOST): We are the richest, most powerful, wealthiest nation on the face of the planet. We have the best researchers, we have the best universities, yet there has been 25 school shootings here since Columbine. 25 school shootings. It doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. 54 mass shootings since the turn of the century. We have all of the resources in the world and we can't figure out why this happens in our country and doesn't happen everywhere else.

Forget your political arguments. Why can't we come together as a society and say, “No, we're going to study this, we're going to research this, we are going to bring our best and brightest together, put them in a room and give them funds and whatever they need to figure out why are our children killing each other more in the United States than anywhere else in the world?”

Give them everything they need.& We change the course of human events around this world -- this nation does. We put a man on the moon 50 years ago and we can't figure out why only our children are running around in their schools killing each other. It doesn't happen everywhere else. It happens here. Why can't they put the best and the brightest together to research it and help us stop it? We’re failing our children.


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