White nationalist writer says he’s a canvasser for Brian Kemp

Melissa Joskow / Media Matters

A white nationalist writer who says he’s a canvasser for the gubernatorial campaign of Georgia Republican Brian Kemp is calling on voters to elect Kemp because, as he writes in a post on VDare, “I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.” Kemp is running against Democrat and former state House minority leader Stacey Abrams, who would be the country’s first Black female governor if elected.

VDare is a white nationalist site that publishes commentary pieces by numerous racists, bigots, and anti-Semites. 

Kemp, who is also Georgia’s secretary of state, has been running a racist voter disenfranchisement effort that has disproportionately targeted Black voters.

In two pieces published this month on VDare, writer Nathan Doyle described himself as a canvasser for Kemp in the Atlanta area and documented his campaign experiences. It’s not immediately clear if Nathan Doyle is a pseudonym; the screen name for Doyle’s email address is “namelesswriter” and in 2015, editor Peter Brimelow indicated that most writers at the site use pseudonyms. 

Both of Doyle’s pieces are full of racism. In an October 2 piece, he stated that Abrams “simply must be stopped,” writing: “I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.” In an October 22 piece, Doyle similarly wrote about politics: “As usual, the Left understands the racial dynamics ... while the clueless GOP/GAP insists upon feigning ‘colorblindness’ and quacking about the economy. As a canvasser for Kemp in the Atlanta area, I’ve seen the results. They’re food for thought.”

Doyle added that “blue” and “red” voters should “come together in defense of their shared whiteness” because “White Americans of all walks of life, like it or not, are in this demographic fight together.” He also called unmarried women “the white race’s foremost traitors” and wrote that “although Brian Kemp is likely to win this year’s Georgia gubernatorial race, he would not be able to in twenty years -- unless America’s post-1965 immigration disaster is abruptly ended.”

From the October 22 piece:

Overall, the issue that jumps out at me as I canvass: the need to find a way for the cultural alcoves of “Blue America” and “Red America” to come together in defense of their shared whiteness.

Both camps stand to lose a lot under any kind of anti-white Marxian regime. For example, Communist and Islamic governments treat both Christianity and homosexuals with great contempt, to say the least. Mass Hispanic and/or Muslim immigration and rampant black crime threaten both Blue America’s quiet neighborhoods, filled with overpriced coffee shops and artisanal trinket shops, and Red America’s bucolic swathes of rural farmland.

Put another way: Vermont and Wyoming would suffer equally if flooded with, say, 70,000 Syrians, 50,000 Nicaraguans, and 60,000 Nigerians in the span of a few years. An overpopulated America of Third Worlders will see the quality of public parks ruined right along with its public schools. White Americans of all walks of life, like it or not, are in this demographic fight together.

In the decades to come, as the white share of the population continues to dwindle, it will become more and more necessary for whites to vote as a block. This will necessitate candidates who walk a fine line on a number of cultural and economic issues while standing firm on everything racial: immigration, crime, Affirmative Action, Section Eight housing, etc. That will mean substantially moderating GOP positions on environmental questions, economic regulations, homosexual issues, and diehard “small government is always best” rhetoric.

Because, although Brian Kemp is likely to win this year’s Georgia gubernatorial race, he would not be able to in twenty years—unless America’s post-1965 immigration disaster is abruptly ended.

Someone who might though, would be a white candidate, who although as anti-immigrant and anti-crime as Kemp, attracted centrist whites and unmarried women (the white race’s foremost traitors) through policies favoring student loan forgiveness, expanded public transit, and more money for environmental preservation efforts.