Tucker Carlson suggests public lynchings would “solve the drive-by shootings”

Carlson: “So that kind of – that would solve the drive-by shootings?”

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Citation From the August 9, 2021, edition of Fox Nation's Tucker Carlson Today

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So, if you had kids driving around shooting each other, you had some drug addict lying on the sidewalk waving his package at girls as they walked by, like, what -- you know, what would you do about that?

ANTHONY PELLICANO: It would -- that would never happen. First of all, the minute that did happen, somebody would take care of it. No police would be involved, it would be taken care of, and you'd never see that problem again. Or you might see a guy hanging from a light pole.

CARLSON: So that kind of -- that would solve the drive-by shootings?

PELLICANO: Absolutely. Oh, god yeah. There wouldn't be anything. 


The point is you become brainwashed to say that's okay. You know, we want to -- this liberal-type attitude, "We want to leave those people alone, let them live their life." That's bullshit. You don't want that in your neighborhood. You don't want a drug dealer living next door to you. You know? 

Throw him out of the window, you understand? Let him bounce a couple of times on the ground and maybe he'll come to his senses. You don't want that.