Tucker Carlson: Democrats have been “plotting, in effect, a coup” through immigration policy

Carlson: “They're going to tell you it's about civil rights, or about some other principle that they pretend to care about, but they are lying”

From the July 5 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Signs of growing extremism in this country on the left are everywhere. Just yesterday, a Congolese immigrant shut down the Statue of Liberty -- our Statue of Liberty -- to protest the Trump administration's immigration policies. The left applauded that.

But take three steps back and think about what you are watching right here. Congo is a war-ravaged hellscape, a country noted for mass rape and cannibalism. Imagine escaping a country like that, and being welcomed in our country, the United States. You would be grateful, wouldn't you? Many Congolese are grateful.

This person is not grateful at all. She took over one of our monuments to scream about how racist we are, and progressives support her. They have gone insane.


What happened to liberals? Well, a lot of things. One, they lost power, and that drove them off the deep end. They plan to get their power back, no matter what it takes. A new book by Professor David Faris is called It's Time to Fight Dirty, and it explains how the left plans to do it.


As Faris puts it in the book, quote, “Republicans have always feared that immigration would change the character of American society. Democrats should reward them with their very worst nightmare.” Remember that paragraph. It is the blueprint for what we are about to see.

They're going to tell you it's about civil rights, or about some other principle that they pretend to care about, but they are lying. It's about seizing power and holding it. That's their only aim, they're deadly serious about it. While you were grilling in the backyard last night, they were plotting, in effect, a coup.


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