Hannity: Sen. Chuck Schumer “may have contributed to Americans losing their lives” with diversity visas

Sean Hannity: “Is there any chance the terrorist could get into this country if Schumer didn't author that bill?”

From the November 1 edition of Fox News' Hannity

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SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now Sen. Chuck Schumer, this was back in 1990 when he was a congressman, he introduced the bill creating this diversity visa lottery to allow immigrants to flow into the country. Now Schumer's proposal eventually became part of a large immigration package that was passed into law. And back in 2013, Chuck Schumer was bragging about what he did. Now here's how Radio Liberty quoted him: “I was the author of the Diversity Visa Program, so I care about it,” Schumer said. That's after 9/11/2001.

Excuse me, is there any chance the terrorist could get into this country if Schumer didn't author that bill? Let me be clear, the odds are so much greater now because of the program. We would be a safer country if it weren't for this program. Maybe those people would be alive today. In 2006, we have a Government Accountability Office report that actually warned about terrorists and other bad actors exploiting this visa program. Congratulations, Chuck Schumer, your brilliant idea to be more inclusive, it may have contributed to Americans losing their lives and being injured in New York City yesterday. And I have a question for the liberal senator: Where are your tears now Chuck? This is something you should actually be crying about.


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