Limbaugh on NY-23 congressional race: “Party bosses and these big thinkers like Newt screwed the whole thing up”

From the November 4 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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LIMBAUGH: Here is -- these are my thoughts on New York-23. In the first place, I'll have to double check this, but I'm reasonably sure that this was the highest percentage of the vote ever won on the Conservative Party line by a House or Senate candidate. I think Hoffman had a higher percentage of the vote than even James Buckley, who won his U.S. Senate race on the -- against or against this Gooddell guy, Charles Gooddell, in the '70s. So, that's one thing.

But, the right message; we cannot forget how this whole thing happened in the first place. There was not a primary. The right message here would indict the way party bosses, Republican Party bosses and these big thinkers like Newt screwed the whole thing up from the get go.

Previously: Limbaugh on Gingrich endorsement: “He probably didn't know much about Scozzafava”