Another dopey right-wing blogosphere conspiracy: Dems want to censor talk radio!

Hey, speaking of, whatever happened to the return of the Fairness Doctrine? Remember after Obama won in 2008, right-wing bloggers did their Chicken Little impersonation insisting they knew—just knew—that Democrats were going to resurrect the long-gone/long-forgotten Fairness Doctrine and censor poor Rush Limbaugh?

So much for that nonsense.

Now in an updated version of that, a far-right blogger is sounding the siren that Democrats are going to “impose a crackdown on free speech in talk radio.” They're going to hush Rush.

What's the startling proof for the far-reaching political campaign of AM censorship? Um, well, Rev. Al Sharpton appeared on a talk show recently and complained that Limbaugh ought to maintain some sort of minimal, hate-free standard on his show. And that, yes, the FCC oversees broadcasting standards.

That's the shocking proof.

Note to dopey right-wing bloggers: Please wake me when Sharpton personally signs the Fairness Doctrine back into law. Until then, I'll try to tune out the hysterics.