The Washington Times' Fun With Photoshop

The Washington Times published an illustration of President Obama's face on late singer Amy Winehouse's body to illustrate a column by Jeffrey Kuhner that claimed Obama is “injecting the heroin of class warfare and socialism into our national bloodstream,” which will lead to “insanity and death.” This is just the latest outrageous Photoshopped image or illustration published by the Times to attack Obama.

Wash. Times Regularly Uses Outrageous Images To Illustrate Right-Wing Rhetoric

“Obama Winehouse”: Times Puts Obama's Face On Amy Winehouse's Body. An illustration of President Obama's head on Amy Winehouse's body accompanied a September 8 column by Jeffrey Kuhner titled, “Obama and the lunatic left.” Kuhner wrote that Obama is “injecting the heroin of class warfare and socialism into our national bloodstream,” which will lead to “insanity and death.” From the Times:

[The Washington Times, 9/8/11]

“Obamey”: Obama As Dopey The Dwarf. An illustration of Obama made to look like Dopey from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves accompanied an August 18 column by Kuhner that stated that Americans should “drive [Obama] from office”:

[The Washington Times, 8/11/11, via Media Matters]

“Obamarx”: Obama As Karl Marx. In an April 25 Times op-ed, Wayne Allyn Root wrote: “It's official. President Obama has declared war on capitalism” and that “our fearless Marxist-in-chief reserves a special brand of hatred for capitalism, entrepreneurship and rich people.” The Times also included the following illustration:

[The Washington Times, 4/25/11, via Media Matters]

Kuhner: Obama Has “Black Nationalist Sympathies.” In an April 26 Times column headlined, “Obama's black nationalism,” Kuhner wrote that "[i]t is clear by his actions and affiliations that [President] Obama has black nationalist sympathies." The Times included the following image with Kuhner's editorial:

[The Washington Times, 4/26/11, via Media Matters]

“Obama's Crescent House.” In an August 19, 2010, Times column, Robert Knight wrote: “The proposed Manhattan [Park51] mosque is a keg o' dynamite. It has blown up apathetic Americans' benign illusions about Mr. Obama: 'They're going to build what? Where? And he's OK with that?'” Knight also quoted and criticized Obama's statement that “Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America.” The following illustration accompanied the piece:

[The Washington Times, 8/19/10, via Media Matters]

Times Puts Star And Crescent On Obama's Face. In an August 19 Times column, Kuhner wrote that Obama is “a cultural Muslim who is promoting an anti-American, pro-Islamic agenda.” The following illustration accompanied the piece:

[The Washington Times, 8/19/10, via Media Matters]

Obama's First Amendment Turban. In an August 17, 2010, Times column, Frank Gaffney wrote: “As he hosted the Ramadan fast-breaking dinner at the White House on Friday, Mr. Obama showed his true colors on Shariah. ... Shariah is about power, not faith, and no amount of Obama subsidies, solidarity or spin on behalf of that agenda will persuade the American people to allow the so-called 'tradition of Islam' to supplant our civil liberties, form of government and way of life.” The following illustration accompanied Gaffney's column:

[The Washington Times, 8/17/10, via Media Matters]

“Sliding Toward Infanticide”: Times Illustration Shows Baby Being Tossed In Trash Can With Obama Campaign Logo. An August 6, 2010, Times op-ed titled, “Sliding toward infanticide,” featured the following illustration:

[The Washington Times, 8/5/10, via Media Matters]

Times Shaves Star And Crescent Into Obama's Hair. In a July 8, 2010, Times column, Kuhner wrote that “Culturally, [Obama] is America's first Muslim president.” The Times included the following illustration:

[The Washington Times, 7/8/10, via Media Matters]

Wash. Times Accompanied Gaffney Column With Drawing Of Kagan In Turban. The Times ran the following image of Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan in a turban with Gaffney's July 19, 2010, column. It was captioned, “Illustration: Elena Kagan and Sharia”:

[The Washington Times, 7/19/10, via Media Matters]

Times Fabricated Photo Of Kagan In Turban. The Times printed a doctored photo of Kagan wearing a turban to accompany a column by Gaffney making the charge that Kagan is “enabling efforts to insinuate” Sharia law in the United States. The Times' print edition gave no indication that the photo had been doctored (while online, the photo bore a caption stating “Illustration: Kagan and Shariah.”)

In the June 22, 2010, print edition, The Washington Times published the following doctored photo alongside Gaffney's column:

The doctored Times photo appeared to be based on a 2003 file photo provided by Harvard University. [The Washington Times, 6/22/10, via Media Matters]