Geller: Obama's 9-11 Guidelines Are “Islamic Supremacist 'Talking Points' Disrespecting Our War Dead”

In an August 31 post on her blog Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller called the guidelines released by the Obama administration on observing the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, “Islamic supremacist 'talking points' disrespecting our war dead and whitewashing the incalculable cost of the jihadist war on America.” From Atlas Shrugs:

The Obama administration defended the marking of 9/11 with Islamic supremacist “talking points” disrespecting our war dead and whitewashing the incalculable cost of the jihadist war on America. This crushing act of appeasement is for ....

.....the creation of a “positive, forward-looking narrative.”


The leftist/Islamic machine is in full throttle now, with the White House strong-arming officials to omit who attacked us and why we were attacked. The White House has issued guidelines detailing what the White House has deemed the important themes that must be discussed, as well as the tone the 9/11 observances should take.


If this is not surrender, what is?


Fox News Has Mainstreamed Pam Geller's Islamophobic Hate Speech

Geller: Obama's Middle East Policy Is “Obama's Final Solution”

Memo to media: Pamela Geller does not belong on national television