In aftermath of the bogus Arizona audit, OAN pushes for audits across America
Written by Beatrice Mount
In the immediate aftermath of the sham Arizona audit, One America News Network is continuing its efforts to cast doubt on and overturn the 2020 presidential election by pushing for additional audits across the country.
During the September 25 episode of The Weekly Briefing, OAN host and audit fundraiser Christina Bobb interviewed Republican political officials from Wisconsin, Georgia, and Nevada about their drive to replicate Arizona's audit. Two of the officials credited Bobb for her work promoting the sham audits in Arizona and throughout the country.
Bobb spoke to Janel Brandtjen, a member of the Wisconsin state Assembly who also chairs the Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections, to discuss the possibility of an audit in the state. Brandtjen said she was “really grateful what’s happened going forward in Arizona,” adding, “Other clerks and other communities are saying ‘yeah, we want to know if there was an ability to hack.’” Bobb suggested there was a “big call” by constituents in Wisconsin who “want to see an audit,” asking, “Where does that go from here?”
Bobb also discussed “the likelihood of an audit in Georgia” with Republican state Sen. Brandon Beach. Beach thanked Bobb for “all you do for election integrity both in Arizona and what you’re doing on Georgia election integrity.”
Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald credited his calls for an audit in Nevada to Bobb’s work to “get the word out in Arizona [and] bring us down there to see what happened down there, but also throughout the United States.” MacDonald thanked Bobb for allowing him to “talk about” his efforts to investigate debunked conspiracy theories, “because it’s a matter of shining the light under the problem. … It helps us, it really does, because that allows us to keep moving forward.”
Bobb’s decision to hype audits in other states following Arizona's latest audit report demonstrates that, like the Arizona audit itself, OAN’s work undermining American elections is far from over. Nearly a year after the 2020 election, OAN’s push for “America’s audit” is still going strong.
Correction (11/8/21): This piece originally stated that Janel Brandtjen is the chair of the Wisconsin Elections Commission. In fact, Brandtjen is the chair of the Wisconsin state Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections.