Boortz on illegal immigrants: “Give 'em all a little nuclear waste and let 'em take it on down there to Mexico”


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During the June 21 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Neal Boortz offered a suggestion he said he got from a listener's email: “When we defeat this illegal alien amnesty bill, and when we yank out the welcome mat, and they all start going back to Mexico, as a going away gift let's all give them a box of nuclear waste.” Boortz continued: “Give 'em all a little nuclear waste and let 'em take it on down there to Mexico. Tell 'em it can -- it'll heat tortillas.”

During a later segment, Boortz again falsely claimed Media Matters for America receives funds from George Soros: “I feel compelled to give you left-wing bed-wetters out there that like to tape this radio show and -- and report to your buddies over there at 'Media Myrmidons' and David Brock and all that George Soros money and everything all the evil things I say on the radio." As previously documented, George Soros has never given money to Media Matters. Boortz then returned to his earlier subject: “Give 'em a little bag of nuclear waste as your lovely parting gift. AMF, which means 'Adios, my friend.' Send them all back across the border to Mexico. Tell 'em it's a tortilla warmer. ... And you'll be able to find them at night too, because they'll glow. And this will be a big hit. So, transcribe that, submit it to 'Media Myrmidons.' I'm sure they'll have that up by the end of the day, and we will come up with some other little insensitivities to play with.”

As Media Matters has noted, during the June 11 broadcast of The Neal Boortz Show, Boortz said, “We're not gonna throw these people out of airplanes with taco-shaped parachutes.” On the show's June 18 broadcast, Boortz said: “I don't care if Mexicans pile up against that fence like tumbleweeds in the Santa Ana winds in Southern California. Let 'em. You know, then just run a couple of taco trucks up and down the line, and somebody's gonna be a millionaire out of that.”

The Georgia Association of Broadcasters awarded Boortz and his radio show the honors of “Best Radio On-Air Personality” and “Best Radio Program, Any Type” in 2007. Boortz is a nominee for the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame 2007 Career Achievement Award. Boortz's flagship station is WSB in Atlanta.

From the June 21 broadcast of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show:

BOORTZ: I already have received at least one brilliant email today about the immigration problem, because apparently out on the West Coast they're having a problem -- they're having some demonstrations over the disposal of nuclear waste. You know how the left loves to -- “Ah, you're poisoning.” This person sent me an email, said when -- when we defeat this illegal alien amnesty bill and when we yank out the welcome mat and they all start going back to Mexico, as a going-away gift let's all give them a box of nuclear waste. Give 'em all a little nuclear waste and let 'em take it on down there to Mexico. Tell 'em it can -- it'll heat tortillas. Or something like that.

You see, folks, you need to take a problem like this, and you can combine several problems and come up with solutions just by combining them, can't you? I love it. I love it. OK, go home. Here is a lovely parting gift. A home tortilla warmer. Yeah, “Media Myrmidons” will have that one by tomorrow.


BOORTZ: Now, as we start the radio program today, I feel compelled to give you left-wing bed-wetters out there that like to tape this radio show and -- and report to your buddies over there at “Media Myrmidons” and David Brock and all that George Soros money and everything all the evil things I say on the radio. So, I mean, the last evil thing I said on the radio was about, gee I hope the fence does its job, and I don't care if Mexicans do pile up against that fence like tumbleweeds in -- oh, you racist. Racist! Anyway, back -- this is -- do y'all have the tape? Do I need to wait? No, you got your tape recorders running, don't you by now? OK. Got the tapes? You got your stenographers? You ready to do a little longhand, take notes?

During the warm-up hour of The Neal Boortz Show, we came up with a marvelous suggestion for solving two of America's problems at the same time: disposing of nuclear waste and doing something about the illegal aliens in this country. And that is, if the evil listeners to talk radio can just succeed in killing the amnesty bill, or if we can at least succeed in getting an amendment to the bill that says before you can get a visa to work here, you have to go home. OK? Then all of the Mexicans who are here, as they leave the country we can give them a lovely parting gift, like they do on Jeopardy! We can give them a little -- yeah, a little bag of nuclear waste from one of our nuclear power plants or maybe one of our nuclear military vessels.

Give 'em a little bag of nuclear waste as your lovely parting gift. AMF, which means “Adios, my friend.” Send them back across the border to Mexico. Tell 'em it's a tortilla warmer. You know, to put it in the tortilla box, and the tortillas stay warm. And then they will. And you'll be able to find them at night too, because they'll glow. And this will be a big hit. So, transcribe that, submit it to “Media Myrmidons.” I'm sure they'll have that up by the end of the day, and we will come up with some other little insensitivities to play with. You are listening to the Neal Boortz radio show.