Chuck Todd: Democrats “would have more credibility” in Christine Blasey Ford hearing if they weren't “coming across as a support group”

Megyn Kelly: “You can make the argument that Judge Kavanaugh is entitled to a robust cross-examination of his accuser” because if this were a courtroom “he would be entitled to that”

From NBC News' September 27 coverage of Professor Christine Blasey Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee: 

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CHUCK TODD (NBC NEWS): The other part, though, is that Democrats, at some point, got to look like they want to get to find out the facts too and the truth too. Right now it's been, “Hey, we want to submit these letters,” and it's more of they're coming across as a support group. Politically, I understand what they're doing, but I think, if they want this to be more credible, and especially, we assume they're going to have very confrontational questioning of Judge Kavanaugh, they would have more credibility if they came across that they wanted to find the truth in the entire --

MEGYN KELLY (NBC NEWS): You can make the argument that Judge Kavanaugh is entitled to a robust cross-examination of his accuser. If we were in a courtroom of any kind, civil or criminal, he would be entitled to that. Our whole system depends upon the adversary nature of it and robust cross-examination. But I think it speaks volumes that they chose not to do that -- we'll see whether Rachel Mitchell goes there -- because to me it suggests their minds are made up. They're not looking for a robust cross of this witness.


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