Savage: Madeleine Albright is a “traitor” who “should be hung”


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On the October 9 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage declared that former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is a “traitor” who “should be tried for treason, and when she's found guilty, she should be hung.” Savage called Albright a “traitor” because he said she “went to North Korea” and “came back like [former British Prime Minister Neville] Chamberlain came back and said, 'Chancellor [Adolf] Hitler has told me he simply wants to take a little piece of territory.' ” Savage, who also branded former Clinton national security adviser Samuel “Sandy” Berger a “traitor” and referred to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) as “Nancy Paleolosi, because ... [she] is living in the Paleolithic,” added of Albright: "[W]hen she is hung, maybe the other quislings in our government will get the message that we're going to crack down on them."

As Media Matters for America has documented, Savage has previously called Albright a “hag” and “a monster in a dress.”

From the October 9 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: The fact of the matter is, in the year 2000, there was an article that I have in my hand -- “U.S. aid helps North Korea build nukes, Congress told.” Did you know that the Clinton administration, in the mid-90s, financed two light water nuclear reactors in North Korea? Did you know any of that? That's number one.

Number two: I want to direct you to a traitor. In my opinion, she should be tried for treason, and when she's found guilty, she should be hung. And when she is hung, maybe the other quislings in our government will get the message that we're going to crack down on them, and that our safety and the safety our children mean something to us. The picture I have on of Madeleine Albright holding hands with Kim Jong Il the Second [sic] should chill you to your core. I don't know which one is uglier; I don't know which one is more sinister, but this is not a laughing matter.

Madeleine Albright went to North Korea; she legitimized this pot-bellied pig. She is the reason he did this. He outsmarted her. She came back like Chamberlain came back and said, “Chancellor Hitler has told me he simply wants to take a little piece of territory.” She is the traitor. “Sandy” Berger is the traitor. And so, don't make any mistakes about it. Now, if you think that Nancy Pale -- Paleolosi's leadership is going to save us from North Korea or China's nukes, you're crazy. You are crazy. I've given her a new name. It's Nancy Paleolosi, because Nancy Paleolosi is living in the Paleolithic.

Andrew Ironside is an intern at Media Matters for America.