On the September 17 edition of The G. Gordon Liddy Show, Liddy and Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi each repeated the discredited claim that Sen. Barack Obama has not released an authentic birth certificate establishing that he was born in the United States, and therefore could be ineligible to run for president. In fact, in addition to posting a copy of Obama's birth certificate on the campaign website, the Obama campaign reportedly provided the original document to FactCheck.org, whose staff reported in an August 21 article that they “have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate” and concluded that it “meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship.” Indeed, even WorldNetDaily.com, the right-wing website for which Corsi works as a staff reporter, reported in an August 23 article that a “WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic,” as Media Matters for America has documented.
During the September 17 discussion, Liddy stated: “Now, the Daily Kos, which is a blog, a leftist blog, published a certificate of live birth -- purportedly from Hawaii. Giving a date but having the serial number redacted, blocked out. And, from what we're told, heavily Photoshopped. ... It's not a birth certificate. It's something that is issued after there has been a birth -- and supposedly attests to the fact that, well, yes, there was a birth in the past and it was on such and such a day, but it's not a birth certificate such as you and I have.” Corsi agreed, stating: “It's a registry of birth. It's -- you know, you come into the office afterwards, and you register the birth. The birth certificate is issued by the hospital. It's not something you go in and request.” Corsi then said that a pending lawsuit alleging that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen “would seem to be -- to have some credibility to it, because the Obama campaign refuses to release the original birth certificate.” Liddy and Corsi then agreed that Obama should “release” his birth certificate to settle the matter.
Liddy and Corsi have each previously claimed that Obama has not produced a birth certificate, as Media Matters has documented. On his September 15 broadcast, Liddy said: "[T]here's others who say [Obama] was born, you know, in Kenya. And I don't have a birth certificate from Kenya to show that he was, but neither does he have a birth certificate to show that he was born in Hawaii, either." Additionally, on the August 26 broadcast of his show, Liddy asserted: "[W]e still don't have a birth certificate for Obama. There are claims that he was actually born in Kenya." In an August 15 appearance on Fox News' Fox & Friends, Corsi claimed: “The [Obama] campaign has a false, fake birth certificate posted on their website. ... The original birth certificate of Obama has never been released, and the campaign refuses to release it.”
From the September 17 broadcast of Radio America's The G. Gordon Liddy Show:
LIDDY: I'd like to talk about the, you know, the business of his birth.
LIDDY: Now, the Daily Kos, which is a blog, a leftist blog, published a certificate of live birth --
CORSI: Right.
LIDDY: -- purportedly from Hawaii.
CORSI: Right.
LIDDY: Giving a date but having the serial number redacted, blocked out.
CORSI: Exactly.
LIDDY: And, from what we're told, heavily Photoshopped. Can you go into that? It's not a birth certificate. It's something that is issued after there has been a birth --
CORSI: That's right.
LIDDY: -- and supposedly attests to the fact that, well, yes, there was a birth in the past, and it was on such and such a day, but it's not a birth certificate --
CORSI: Right.
LIDDY: -- such as you and I have.
CORSI: It's a registry of birth. It's -- you know, you come into the office afterwards, and you register the birth. The birth certificate is issued by the hospital. It's not something you go in and request. And the -- this lawsuit that [Philip] Berg has filed in, I believe, Pennsylvania --
LIDDY: It is Pennsylvania, yes.
CORSI: -- is arguing that the original, the birth certificate, is in Kenya, and Obama -- Obama's father and mother went back to Kenya before Obama was born, and evidently the pregnancy was so advanced that Ann Dunham was not allowed to return to the United States, and Obama was born in Kenya. That's the argument. And it would seem to be -- to have some credibility to it, because the Obama campaign refuses to release the original birth certificate. And why would that -- a birth certificate, you know, Mr. Liddy, should be a mundane document.
LIDDY: Yeah. It is. I mean, I've got mine, you've got yours, and everybody I know -- and, you know, Snopes and people like that are all saying, “Oh, no, no, no, he was born in Hawaii.” Well, if he was, and they have the thing, why don't they --
CORSI: Just release it.
LIDDY: -- produce that? Release it.
CORSI: Release it. It would solve the issue.
LIDDY: It would indeed.
CORSI: Like so many of these issues, as I have pointed out continuously, Obama does not release important details about his life.
LIDDY: Same way John Kerry wouldn't release his military records.
CORSI: He never signed a Standard Form 180 for a full public disclosure. John Kerry, finally, after the election, signed the Standard Form 180, but only for The Boston Globe or one or two other favorable newspaper reporters.