Same-Sex Marriage Opponent Gallagher Joins Black Robe Regiment

Add Maggie Gallagher of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy to the list of conservative leaders joining the Black Robe Regiment, Glenn Beck's religious leader organization.

Gallagher, who has led efforts to oppose same-sex marriage, told me that while she is not a minister she was glad to join up after Beck's Aug. 28 rally when the call went out for members.

Asked about her involvement in the Regiment, she responded in an e-mail:

When pastors appeared on stage at a rally to express support for the role of faith in American public life, and for the goodness of core American principles--and invited me as the head of the major organization fighting to protect marriage--to join them, I said 'yes.' It was a proud moment for me.

Members of the Black Robe Regiment, which Beck has claimed is apolitical, have told Media Matters the group is seeking to boost voter involvement by urging members of their home churches to cast ballots.

Gallagher's past work includes efforts to block same-sex marriage and tighten restrictions on unmarried parent adoptions and requirements for divorce. She is also chairman of the board for the National Organization for Marriage.