Fox's Outnumbered Suggests Hillary Clinton Was “Pandering” By Saying Half Of Her Cabinet Would Be Women

From the April 26 edition of Fox News' Outnumbered:

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SANDRA SMITH (CO-HOST): Hillary Clinton making a promise about what her cabinet will look like if she’s elected president and raising questions about whether she’s pandering to women.


SMITH: So, what do you make of that? First she had made the suggestion that she was going to go this route, and now she's vowing to have 50 percent women.

BEN CARSON: Well, I thought we had gotten away from, you know, I'm going to have this percentage of this kind of person and this percentage of that kind of person, and moved more toward lets see who best fits this position. Now, it turns out that in the society that we live in today, there are a lot of highly qualified women in every area. I do a lot of commencement speeches at colleges all over the country, and I've noticed in the last decade-plus that the majority of graduates are women, which means that as time goes on you're going to probably even have more women. 

SMITH: It's a great point Dr. Carson because most of the --  business, Dr. Carson, faces the same dilemma. You hear about the boards of these big American companies, technology firms lacking women and there's suggestions of a quota, but be careful what you ask for, because as Dr. Carson suggests you don't always get the best person for the job. 

MELISSA FRANCIS (CO-HOST):  I would hate to be picked because I was a woman. I mean that, I want to be picked because I'm the best candidate for the job, I'm the best, and I believe I can do that. So I don't think I need to have my gender, you know, as a qualification. I also think it's ironic because Hillary Clinton, I think she's more comfortable with women, and she would naturally choose more women, so she doesn't need to say I'm going to make it 50 percent --

SMITH: But then Julie, why does she still have such a woman problem? I mean she has not gotten the support from women that one might think, when you are possibly the next female president --

JULIE ROGINSKY (CO-HOST): Well she does lead among women in the Democratic primary. Look, we all know women are not always the friendliest towards other women and that consistently remains the case. You know, I worked in the Senate very closely with her office when she was in the Senate. Her chief of staff was a woman, her communications director, her press secretary was a woman. She's consistently surrounded herself with very, very, very smart women; the head of her policy shop was a woman. So I think she would do that naturally anyway, I don't think it's necessarily a quota situation in her case. She would do it otherwise and I think she's going to do it.

SMITH: Well Dr. Carson you sound like you want to jump in here, but there is speculation that she is pandering to women with a suggestion like this.

CARSON: Well she does pander, there's no question about it. I mean that's who she is. but, you know, that's beside the point. The point is, you know, I look at my own life, I had a successful life as a pediatric neurosurgeon and I believe with all my heart that a lot of it had to do with the women who were around me. You know, my senior physician assistant Carol James, she was with me my entire career from the beginning until the day that I retired. Audrey Jones, my office manager, I had several other female PAs, female colleagues, just tremendous people, the first pediatric neurosurgeon that we trained in our fellowship program. 

SMITH: But that's not because you had a quota. That's because those women excelled at what they did. 

CARSON: Because they were excellent. That's what it was.

HARRIS FAULKNER (CO-HOST): That's the thing. I mean if she's going to compartmentalize what's next? Is she going to say how many African-Americans or how many Latinos she's gooing to have on her staff too? I mean I sort of look at it as the same way. And, and I don't agree, I think that, early on I remember that women's event where she had to eventually invite men to that rally because there weren't a lot of women showing up. Now, that was before the second time she rolled out her campaign, but it has statistically been true she has been pulling up a little bit but there have been some challenges, particularly among white women for Hillary Clinton when you look at the statistics.

ROGINSKY: Well there's been challenges among white people in general for Hillary Clinton in the primary, but there's no question, there's no question, especially in a Trump matchup, you look at poll after poll, the women are going to be behind her because look at the alternative.

HARRIS: But not because she promises to hire them.

ROGINSKY: No, but I don't think she is pandering. Look, you have to say this about Hillary Clinton. From the day that she became First Lady, I can't speak to her record in Arkansas, but from the day that she became First Lady she was very consistent around the world in enhancing the rights of women around the world. She made a very famous speech about womens' rights being human rights, and so as a result of that, that's not pandering. That's her life's passion. That's something she's been really passionate about, I think for 40 years, if not longer. 


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