Fox News' Greg Gutfeld defends Republicans for heckling Joe Biden as he spoke about his dead son

Gutfeld: “No matter how stupid Biden said something, people have to applaud. This is kabuki, applause line theater”

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Citation From the March 2, 2022, edition of Fox News' The Five

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): The thing that gets me bat -- that gets me crazy is that, I know a lot of people were pissed off about these two Republicans that heckled. That's nothing compared to this cosplay that you see, the "stand up and applause," the "sit down." No matter how stupid Biden said something, people have to applaud. This is kabuki, applause line theater, right?

And we were expected as idiot Americans to go, oh, wow, everything coming out of his mouth is somehow majestic and moral and meaningful. Of course not.

And by the way, both sides do this, right? But for some reason, it is more disgusting. Heckling is bad, but heckling is real. What we watched there, it was fake.