Fox News cuts and runs from War on Christmas Written by Media Matters Staff Published 12/22/09 2:30 PM EST Aired during the December 22 broadcast of Fox News' The Live Desk: Video file From the commercial: Previously: Doocy slips, discusses Fox & Friends' “Holiday Party” before correcting himself Priest doesn't take Doocy's War on Christmas bait, says he's not “hand-wringing” over it Holiday Hypocrisy: O'Reilly says Catastrophe “makes a great Christmas/holiday/Chanukah book, gift, whatever.” On behalf of Fox News, Garrett wishes Obama and his family “a very happy and joyous 2009 holiday season” O'Reilly to school principal targeted in “War on Christmas”: “I have to tell you, madam, that you'll appear on this program one way or the other ... because we're not letting it go” What Grinch? Fox's Hemmer and Camerota mislead on “War on Christmas” story Fox Nation announces first shots fired in annual War on Christmas