Fox Nation Vs. Fox News Latino On The New Immigration Policy

There will always be tension between Fox News Latino and Fox Nation, given that one wing of the conservative news giant focuses on expanding their Latino audience, and the other does stuff like this.

Today's announcement that the Obama administration “will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives” (per the Associated Press) offers an excellent glimpse at how that tension plays out.

Republishing the AP write-up, Fox News Latino used the staid headline “Obama Administration Halts Deportations for Undocumented Children,” and attached a photo of a DREAM Act activist in front of the Capitol:

Fox Nation also republished an AP write-up, but their headline and photo selection* spoke to a different tone and audience:

*UPDATE: Fox Nation has since removed the photo from the article, though the photo still appears on their main page.