Right Attacks First Lady's “China Red” Dress
Drudge Photo Caption: “China Red.” Drudge linked to a file photo of the dress, declaring its color to be “China Red.” From the Drudge Report [The Drudge Report, 1/20/11]:
Doug Powers: “Michelle Obama Appropriately Enough Wore A Red Dress” While “Musical Rendition Of 'If My Friends Could See Me Mao'” Played. In a guest post written on Michelle Malkin's website late Wednesday night, conservative blogger Doug Powers said: “As for the state dinner for the Chinese president, Michelle Obama appropriately enough wore a red dress, and an all-star cast of Broadway stars performed a rousing musical rendition of 'If my friends could see me Mao' to close out the evening.” [MichelleMalkin.com, 1/19/11]
Hoft: “Michelle Obama's Dress Slips Off At Commie Red China Obama State Dinner.” Gateway Pundit blogger Jim Hoft critized not only at the color the First Lady chose to wear -- calling the event the “Commie Red China Obama State Dinner” -- but also the fit of the gown. Showing photos of the dress from all angles, Hoft declared, “It was just another one of her bizarre dress selections.” [Gateway Pundit, 1/19/11]
Right Has A History Of Reading Political Messages In First Lady's, Obama Officials' Attire
Beck Calls Michelle Obama “Marie Antoinette,” Claims Her Dress Shows She's “Out Of Touch.” On the July 14, 2010 broadcast of Fox News' Glenn Beck Program, the host criticized the First Lady for wearing a white dress with “black splotches” on the beach, stating that she looked “like Marie Antoinette.” Beck suggested that she wore the dress intentionally to reference the recent Gulf oil spill, saying, “There's no way that dress wasn't selected personally for this occasion.” Beck declared Michelle Obama to be “out of touch.” [Fox News, Glenn Beck Program, 7/14/10]
Fox Nation: “Did First Lady's Dress Send A Political Message?” In the days following the 2010 State of the Union Address, Fox Nation posed this question of the First Lady's purple dress: “Did First Lady's Dress Send a Political Message?” [Fox Nation, 1/29/10]
Big Government Wonders if Gibbs' And Stern's “Purple Bracelets [Are] A Mark Of Clintonesque Solidarity?” On March 15, 2010, Big Government contributor Kyle Olson wondered of Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' tie and bracelet were “a mark of Clintonesque solidarity.” Gibbs later stated via Twitter that the purple was worn in support of a 9-year-old battling cancer. [Big Government, 3/15/10]
Pam Geller Accuses Obama Of “Flying The Gangsta Colors At The White House” For Supposedly Wearing A Purple Tie. On March 26, 2010, conservative blogger Pam Geller accused Obama of “Flying The Gangsta Colors At The White House,” stating that the President wore purple because [h]istorically, the color purple has signified royalty which, ironically, is exactly how the power mad pres thinks of himself." In fact, various photos of the event show that Obama's tie appeared to be blue. [Atlas Shrugs, 3/26/10]