Drudge Smears Justice Roberts Over His Seizures

In response to the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of health care reform, the Drudge Report is smearing Chief Justice John Roberts over the possibility that he might use epilepsy medication and suggesting that it affected his judgment.

Drudge linked to a Real Clear Politics post that contains a clip of right-wing radio host Michael Savage claiming that “if you look at Roberts' writings you can see the cognitive disassociation in what he is saying.”

Roberts had a seizure in 2007, after suffering one 14 years earlier. The Washington Post reported this month that Roberts has not publicly addressed whether he has epilepsy.

Drudge also linked to a 2007 New York Times report that discussed Roberts' medical options. The article described the side effects of epilepsy drugs, but it has never been reported that Roberts actually takes such medication.

Among Savage's numerous outrageous remarks, he said in 2008 that autism is a “fraud, a racket” and called it “a phony disease.”