Wall Street Journal Conceals Oil Interests Of Contributor Hyping Keystone XL

Source: Energy Policy Research FoundationThe Wall Street Journal has once again published an op-ed by Lucian Pugliaresi without disclosing his ties to the oil industry.

Pugliaresi's piece blasts the Obama administration's decision to further review the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and hypes the “at least 20,000 new construction jobs” that TransCanada claimed the pipeline would create. Pugliaresi adds, “We are in the early stages of sustained and large increases in domestic crude oil output from the same hydraulic fracturing technology that brought us the shale gas revolution.”

The Journal identified Pugliaresi as “president of the Energy Policy Research Foundation.” But it failed to mention that he is also employed by Frontera Resources Corporation, "a Houston, Texas based international oil and gas company" whose “strategy is to seek opportunities in known hydrocarbon-bearing basins around the world where historical geopolitical and/or economic situations may have caused significant oil and gas plays to be overlooked or underdeveloped,” according to an industry profile. Frontera is currently seeking to exploit “potentially significant quantities of natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids” from nearby the Black Sea, which is "[p]otentially similar to extensive natural gas shale plays in North America and Europe."

And Pugliaresi's Energy Policy Research Foundation is reportedly supported by petroleum companies. The Wall Street Journal's readers should be informed of Pugliaresi's true ties.