What's the over/under on when Fox News will have Breitbart back on the air?

I say six months.

After jumping all over the Shirley Sherrod story on Monday only to have Andrew Breitbart's latest gotcha implode, I'm guessing Fox News execs are not happy about having to play defense on the universally embarrassing story. And I'm guessing Breitbart may have worn out his welcome over at the Sixth Avenue headquarters of Fox News.

This Fox News clip must still be ringing in Breitbart's ears. It's the one where anchor Shep Smith describes Breitbart's BigGov site as “widely discredited”:

But the reason I put the over/under on Breitbart's Fox News exile at six months is that last month Fox News producers gave Breitbart the collective stiff arm when he launched his insanely lame video gotcha attack against the U.S. Census Bureau.

Here's what I noted at the time:

Did Glenn Beck cover the story? No.

The O'Reilly Factor? No.

Special Report? No.

Hannity? No.

Fox & Friends? No.

Anybody? No.

Fox News's morning, daytime and primetime programs did not report on Breitbart's expose. At. All.

And as I stressed back then, that was no coincidence. There was no way that every producer for every major Fox News show just happened to lose Breitbart's number at the exact time he was trying to launch his latest attack. It seemed obvious there had been a conscious effort to freeze him out and not sign off as a co-sponsor.

Now? After Breitbart's Sherrod fiasco blew up, and the media shrapnel landed on Fox News (trust me, Bill O'Reilly does not enjoy airing public apologies), I'd be surprised if Breitbart is allowed back on any of the major Fox News shows for the rest of the calendar year.

Place your bets.