What did Breitbart do to piss off Murdoch?

There is definitely something askew in Right-Wing World these days and I wonder if there may have been some sort of falling out between Andrew Breitbart and the minions who occupy Rupert Murdoch's GOP media outlets.

Because let's be honest, if the GOP Noise Machine is known for anything, it's its ability to get along and to robotically hype whatever that day's anti-Obama talking point is. Yet on Tuesday, Breitbart launched, with much fanfare, an undercover investigation into “corruption” at the U.S. Census (i.e. some workers were getting a 70 minute lunch break!), and what was the response from Fox News? Crickets.

Did Glenn Beck cover the story? No.

The O'Reilly Factor? No.

Special Report? No.

Hannity? No.

Fox & Friends? No.

Anybody? No.

Fox News's morning, daytime and primetime programs did not report on Breitbart's expose. At. All. (Breitbart managed to sneak onto a Fox News overnight show this week.) Keep in mind that last fall Fox News could not stop reporting on Breitbart's ACORN sting when those videos were debuted. But on Tuesday, the same channel essentially boycotted the census story.

Trust me, there's no way that blackout was a coincidence, or some sort of oversight. It was planned on the part of Fox News and it was intentional. Obviously I don't know the inner workings over there, but to me Fox News' deliberate boycott of Breitbart's beloved census story on the day of its launch has all the markings of a Roger Ailes 'F- You.'

Plus, remember last winter when Breitbart's beloved ACORN story was unraveling the the pimp hoax was being revealed? Did Murdoch's New York Post rush to Breitbart's aid to try to prop up the story? No. In fact, the Post did the opposite and published a kick in the gut to Breitbart:

That's right, Murdoch's NY Post called O'Keefe, and ACORN pal Hanna Giles, vidiots and ran a quote from a law enforcement sources who confirmed the bogus ACORN tapes were “heavily edited.”

I'm telling you, with Murdoch friends like that, Breitbart doesn't need any more enemies.