More weather-related headlines Drudge won't touch

Uh-oh, the Winter Olympics are set for next month in Vancouver, but the Canadian outpost has no snow because it's been caught in an extended warm spell. But you probably didn't know that from reading the Drudge Report, which relentless hypes headlines about how it sometimes gets cold in January. (Thanks for news flash, Matt.) It's all part of the right-wing's anti-reason crusade, which claims that snows storms and cold spells prove there is no climate change.

But what happens when Canada suffers through a January warm spell? Drudge and the GOP Noise Machine play dumb. So don't look for this recent UK Daily Mail headline on his site:

Mild weather in Canada forces Vancouver to ship in tons of snow for Winter Olympics

The lede [emphasis added]:

As spring flowers bloom early and birds start to nest around balmy Vancouver, officials there have chartered a fleet of helicopters to fly in thousands of tons of snow for the Winter Olympics.

Without the emergency snowlift, which is also shipping in tons of snow in convoys of giant lorries, Olympic chiefs feared they might have to abandon the Games that have already cost £1.5 billion and are due to start in three weeks.

Here are some more weather headlines that were ignored by Drudge:

Vancouver Olympics are coming - but where's the snow?

Warm weather closes Vancouver Olympic ski venue

Vancouver gets set for the 2010 Winter Olympics – all it needs now is snow

Vancouver in danger of wet landing after lack of snow

Snow or No Snow -- Let the Games Begin

Winter Games bosses sweat over no-snow

Mother Nature needs to chill for Olympic Games

Vancouver venues on track; ice makers wary of rain

UPDATED: Meanwhile, weather forecasters predict New York City today will flirt with setting an all-time record high temperature for January 25.

Somebody alert Steve Doocy.