Even The Royal Wedding Is An Occasion For The Wash. Times To Attack Obama

In an April 28 editorial, The Washington Times wrote that “American fascination with the royal wedding is in stark contrast to -- and offers needed relief from -- the dismal circumstances in our own land” and that "[w]ith Mr. Obama's record low approval rating, almost nobody is looking to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to escape an ugly reality this president has only made worse." The Times further wrote: “With few admirable elites of our own, Americans are reduced to waking up at 4 a.m. to watch fantasy unfold in Merry England.”

From the Times editorial:

American fascination with the royal wedding is in stark contrast to - and offers needed relief from - the dismal circumstances in our own land, where the economy is struggling, unemployment is 8.8 percent, gasoline prices are staring at $5 a gallon, S&P warned our credit outlook was negative, and the military is locked in multiple wars. According to the latest Rasmussen poll, a mere 21 percent of Americans think the country is heading in the right direction, which is the lowest level of optimism recorded since President Obama took office.

In the past, when times were tough - whether during a depression, war or civil unrest - the public looked to the First Family and Hollywood for an escape from reality. In the 1960s, people were riveted by the Kennedys' “Camelot” lives: Jackie's dresses with white gloves, Jack's sailing and dashing dinner jackets. The Reagans created a Hollywood-like White House in the 1980s with an abundance of elegant state dinners. (Prince William's mother, Princess Diana, danced with John Travolta at one.) With Mr. Obama's record low approval rating, almost nobody is looking to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to escape an ugly reality this president has only made worse.


Despite the rebellion against the British monarchy 235 years ago, Americans remain obsessed by our old royal masters. With few admirable elites of our own, Americans are reduced to waking up at 4 a.m. to watch fantasy unfold in Merry England.