Fox guest: Millennials turn to socialism because “they have attended a high school”

Marion Smith: “You do see that in high schools. Howard Zinn, a Marxist historian is the most assigned historian. Karl Marx is the most assigned economist.”

From the March 7 edition of Fox Business' Varney & Co.:

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STUART VARNEY (HOST): This program is staunchly anti-socialist. I'm personally shocked by the movement's growing popularity among millennials. Look at this, 44 percent of people -- this is a Forbes poll, they say they polled millennials -- 44 percent say they would prefer to live under a socialist system. Utterly astonishing.


VARNEY: Obvious question right from the get-go: Why do 44 percent of millennials think socialism is just a fine place to be? 

MARION SMITH (VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM MEMORIAL FOUNDATION): Well I think one thing is that millennials have grown up in a world where the Iron Curtain has already collapsed, the Soviet Union is no more. Another reason is they have attended a high school. I'm a millennial. I'm fortunate that I had a wonderful home-school and private education. But you do see that in high schools. Howard Zinn, a Marxist historian, is the most assigned historian. Karl Marx is the most assigned economist. 

VARNEY: You're kidding me. 

SMITH: They're taught a withering critique of the United States and our history. 

VARNEY: Is that serious? If you look at high school curricula -- the history curriculum, that guy, Mr. Zinn, Professor Zinn, he's the most referenced? 

SMITH: Well there's definitely -- yes. I mean, that is a book that is assigned to high school students in history courses, and across the board in terms of the curriculum, you have a Marxist interpretation of the United States. So you are taught to hate our own society, perfect -- imperfect though it may. And then many of us arrive in college and the only time we hear Marxism or communism is as an apologia for those ideas, that they've just never been enacted correctly.


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