Trump ally Geraldo Rivera: “The reality” of immigration “is a lot more benign than” how Trump depicts it, “but that doesn't matter right now”

Rivera: “I think half the country at least will listen to the president in a very vigorous way and vote Republican”

From the July 6 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

Video file

GERALDO RIVERA (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): There are two aspects to it as I see it: There's the political aspect and then there's the reality. I think that, in terms of politics, for the president to emphasize, for example, MS-13, and the other gangbangers, and the drug cartels, and the criminal transnational organizations, I think that is very potent politics. However, as you know, I've written a couple of books on it and spent a lot of time on the border, I think the reality is a lot more benign than that, but that does not matter right now. I don't think we're talking necessarily about immigration, which -- I just saw these monthly figures -- is down in the last month. I think what we're talking about is almost this visceral, organic fear that many people have that immigrants, especially those who come without documentation or legality are wrecking America, are a drain on our resources, our public schools, and so forth. And I think half the country at least will listen to the president in a very vigorous way and vote Republican come the midterms in November.


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