Brit Hume dismisses Jared Kushner's use of private email as a “rookie mistake”

Hume: Kushner is a " young, bright guy who witnesses this all and it doesn't hit him the same way"

From the September 26 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): If you are paying any attention for a year and and a half the one thing you learned was you can't do business on a private email server, like period. How could this have happened?

BRIT HUME: Rookie mistake.


HUME: You got this young, bright guy who witnesses this all and it doesn't hit him the same way it hits people who have been observing or participating in politics for a very long time.

CARLSON: All the “lock her up” stuff, that just didn't penetrate?

HUME: Well I don't think he was participating in any of that silliness.


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