Will The Real BP Twitter Feed Please Stand Up?

As it continues to seek damage control over its guilf oil leak debacle, BP has gone to Twitter in an effort to distribute its message.

But another Twitter feed, BPGlobalPR, has apparently gotten more of the attention. A clear spoof of the Twitter approach, this Twitter feed takes joy in making fun of the oil giant and its response.

“The parody site is updated throughout the day, offering a combination of 'everything is going exactly according to plan' P.R. speak, macabre humor and occasional glimpses of genuine outrage,” The New York Times reports.

The Times later adds: " ... when you come to Twitter already with a brand, or like BP, with a tarnished brand, the experience can be bedeviling at best. Spin (or if you prefer, nuance) can be hard to execute in 140-character bursts, but mockery comes in perfect Twitter morsels. Brevity is the soul of sarcasm."

While the BP Twitter feed has 11,000 followers, the parody has more than 133,000.

Recent parody tweets: “Try our cap operation at home! Hold a funnel over a firehose, sell what you catch and proclaim victory!” and “Any laborers who feel nostalgic for black lung can help us pretend to clean! Relive history for $10/hr!”