Right-wing media praise Trump’s deranged anti-impeachment letter to Pelosi
Written by Zachary Pleat
President Donald Trump sent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) a lie-filled letter attacking his imminent impeachment that some serious journalists described as “batshit,” “crazy town,” and “unhinged.” But Trump’s allies in the right-wing media, detached from reality, praised the letter as a cogent and historic document worthy of academic study.
Fox host Sean Hannity: Trump is “fighting back” with “a powerful, scathing beat down” of a letter.
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs: Trump’s letter was “beautiful,” “terrific,” “elegant,” and “comprehensive.” Fox contributor Jason Chaffetz also praised the letter, saying Trump “really pointed out the flaws” with the impeachment process and he “was absolutely right. I’m glad that he did it.”
Fox host Laura Ingraham: Trump’s letter “is pretty darn ... on point.”
Talk radio host and MSNBC contributor Hugh Hewitt: Trump’s letter is “a historic document and will be cited by @POTUS scholars for generations as the defining example of Article II blasting Article I.”
Hewitt: Trump’s letter “will be included in every Con Law casebook in the years ahead.”
Hewitt says he will teach his constitutional law classes about the Trump letter because “it is the summit of Article II and Article I conflict.”
Talk radio host Mark Simone on Fox Business: Trump’s letter is a “masterpiece” and like the Gettysburg Address.
Talk radio and Fox News host Mark Levin: “The president of the United States today wrote a historic letter, a comprehensive letter for the record, for all of history and all of time to Nancy Pelosi, laying out in exquisite detail what a disgrace" impeachment is.
Fox Nation’s Diamond & Silk: “An Incredible & Direct letter with NO sugar coating. Straight & to the point. No beating around the bush. Everything written in this letter needed to be said.”
Breitbart.com: Trump wrote a “historic impeachment takedown letter.”
Gateway Pundit: “The gloves are off ... in a letter with truth behind him.” Gateway Pundit’s Christina Laila praised Trump’s letter in a post, quoting multiple parts of his screed against Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Adam Schiff. [Gateway Pundit, 12/17/19]