Fox Nation host: “Hell to the no” on getting COVID-19 vaccine from “communist-inspired” outreach efforts
Tomi Lahren: “I am personally not going to get the jab because I’m young, healthy, and unafraid of coronavirus”
From the July 8, 2021, edition of Fox Nation’s Final Thoughts with Tomi Lahren
TOMI LAHREN (HOST): Yeah, nothing says “optional vaccination” quite like a government bureaucrat knocking on your door to inquire about your vaccination status, and then shaming you into getting it. The left wants to defund police, but finds a vaccine patrol to be totally necessary — and not at all invasive on our rights, privacy, and property? Huh.
Am I surprised the Biden administration will be launching such an intrusive and moronic effort? No. Does it disgust me? Yes. Will it go over well? No. Will it encourage me to get the jab? Hell to the no, no — and once again, for good measure, no.
Vaccination is a personal choice, it’s not Joe’s dang business whether we choose to get vaccinated or not. And in fact, this communist-inspired approach will likely have the opposite effect these vaccine-pushers are hoping for.
This latest overreach is par for the course for these COVID-obsessed tyrants.
Like I’ve said before, I am personally not going to get the jab because I’m young, healthy, and unafraid of coronavirus. And I’ll be more than happy to explain that to Biden’s vaccine knockers — should they make the big mistake of coming to my door. Thanks, but no thanks.