Right-wing media are desperately trying to paint Tim Walz as a radical liberal in the days since Vice President Kamala Harris announced the Minnesota governor as her running mate. Some have focused on Walz passing a bill in Minnesota that allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license, falsely claiming that Walz favors “open borders,” voting rights for undocumented immigrants, and “America last” policies. In reality, the bill plans to increase road safety and is supported by law enforcement agencies, and 18 other states have similar laws.

Right-wing media really want you to believe Walz's driver's license bill was radical
In reality, Minnesota was the 19th state to grant undocumented immigrants the ability to obtain a driver's license
Written by Gideon Taaffe
Walz passed a bill that allowed noncitizen residents to obtain driver’s licenses in Minnesota
- In 2023 as governor, Walz passed a bill that allowed residents of Minnesota to get driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status. According to The Associated Press, supporters of this bill claimed that it would promote road safety and lead to more people driving with auto insurance. The bill was supported by law enforcement agencies and faith groups as well as immigrant rights advocates. [The Associated Press, 9/7/23]
- This type of bill is increasingly commonplace — Minnesota was the 19th state to adopt a law that allows undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license. The National Conference of State Legislatures has tracked similar legislation in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia. [NCSL, 3/13/23]
Right-wing media are attacking Walz for allowing undocumented immigrants to legally drive in Minnesota
- Fox News host Sean Hannity said Walz “thinks unlimited illegal immigration is wonderful for our country,” adding, “He signed a bill granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants or aliens.” Hannity also attacked Walz for supporting sanctuary cities, saying, “Needless to say Walz doesn't want anybody deported. He's also a big believer in sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.” [Fox News, Hannity, 8/6/24]
- Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller said Walz is part of the “extra extreme radical open borders left” and said he was going to turn the Midwest into “Mogadishu” in part because of the driver’s license law. Miller told Fox News: “This is tacking to the extra extreme radical open borders left. Tim Walz went on TV to talk about trying to help illegal aliens climb over the border wall. Tim Walz championed government-issued IDs, driver's licenses for illegal aliens which results in countless motorists being killed each and every year.” [Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, 8/6/24]
- Fox’s Kayleigh McEnany called Walz a “progressive in sheep's clothing,” citing his driver’s license bill. “When you look at his record over the last few years, what you see are transgender surgeries for minors, carbon electrical grid by 2040, driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, in function his abortion policy allows abortion until birth.” [Fox News, America’s Newsroom, 8/6/24]
- Fox News host Jesse Watters attacked Walz as “Minnesota nuts” citing the driver’s license law. Watters: “This guy's a lunatic. Sanctuary cities, driver's license for illegals, sanctuary cities for sex changes for children.” [Fox News, The Five, 8/6/24]
- Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk cited the driver’s license bill as evidence that Walz “cares more about invaders than Americans.” He wrote: “Walz is an open borders zealot. Walz supports sanctuary cities, driver's licenses for illegals, free college for illegals, and free health care for illegals. He cares more about invaders than Americans.” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]
- Right-wing podcaster Benny Johnson posted: “WOW: Tim Walz Grants Driver's Licenses For Illegals. This guy is America last through and through.” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]
- The Republican National Committee Research account called Walz “Weak. Failed. Dangerously Liberal.” The full post stated: “Tim Walz 🤝 Driver's Licenses For Illegals. Weak. Failed. Dangerously Liberal. Just like Kamala.” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]
- National Review political correspondent Jim Geraghty pushed back on Walz’s moderate label, citing, in part, the driver's license bill. He wrote: “Perceiving a moderate ‘vibe’ requires not looking at Walz’s actual positions.” He cited Walz’s “support of making Minnesota a ‘sanctuary state’ that doesn’t cooperate with federal immigration authorities, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]
- Right-wing influencer Ian Miles Cheong suggested that the bill was aimed at giving migrants the ability to vote in elections. He wrote: “Tim Walz signed a bill that gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens. They now have a valid form of ID to vote. All they need to do is to answer if they’re over 18 and if they’re American. Obviously everyone tells the truth and no one would lie. Cool!” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]
- Right-wing comedian Terrence K. Williams tied the driver's license bill to claims that migrants would vote in upcoming elections. He wrote: “Here is Kamala’s Running mate #TamponTim allowing illegals to get Driver License! He signed it into law. Their goal is to allow all illegal aliens to get ID’s so they can all vote Democrat. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win then Democrats will easily steal every election after this” [Twitter/X, 8/6/24]