Why is C-SPAN Giving Tea Party So Much Coverage?

A look at C-SPAN's home Web page shows a broad range of coverage of the Tea Party movement, which is seeking to make today's income tax deadline day about them only.

The site gives lead news space to a video of the arrival today in Washington of the Tea Party Express bus tour.

It also promises future video of a Tea Party rally set for later today, a link to the Tea Party Express Web site, and a link to a Politico story on the group. The items are placed even above a report on the future of the space program and one on two Supreme Court justices testifying before Congress.

“The Tea Party Express nationwide bus tour makes its final stop in Washington to coincide with the IRS tax-filing deadline,” the C-SPAN report states. “Earlier, the group defined their agenda and discussed the progress made during the road tour. They are wrapping up at Washington's Freedom Plaza with an anti-tax rally.”

Isn't that a bit much?