BlazeTV host Steve Deace: “The Supreme Court has told Texas your choices are be invaded or secede”
From the January 23, 2024, edition of BlazeTV's The Steve Deace Show
STEVE DEACE (HOST): Let's go to Texas. And I thought the way that -- I saw -- I wanna make sure I give him credit for this. The way I saw Dave Rubin yesterday summarize this ruling, I think, is the pithiest and best I've seen thus far. Basically, the Supreme Court has told Texas your choices are be invaded or secede. That -- that's essentially what Texas has been told by the Supreme Court.
As a quick aside -- as a quick aside, there are some very important and very wealthy and successful people in this business who have been telling you all along that we're gonna be able to count on the Supreme Court to stop the Democrat -- to stop the Democrat lawfare election interference this year. I hope they're right because I will tell you my confidence is greatly bolstered that you can count on John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett to stand in the gap and stand against the lockstep Democrat contingent on the court in stopping this lawfare election interference. My confidence in fact has never been higher -- actually, no, I'm not really confident in that at all. But that's OK, because we're gonna bank the entirety of an election we all agree we can't afford to lose on these people. Not on ourselves, on them.