Steve Bannon: “Rough Roman justice” coming for media companies like NBC, Washington Post, NY Times
From the November 7, 2024, edition of Real America's Voice's War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Alex Wagner gets to it and it kinda the gee wiz — the gee wiz wow. They're supporting the institutions. Yes, Alex. You are supporting the institutions. And if your producers had watched War Room, we've hammered this every day for 4 years. You support and are a cheer leader for the established order, and the established order is built upon the essential quasi — this is why I call people Russian serfs. This is why in the, Vanity Fair, I said peasants. You treat the American citizen as a Russian serf. You treat them as a peasant.
And, finally, the people with pitchforks and the peasants said, we've had enough. And many came to our side because they saw what you and your network and your correspondents and all that. I haven't seen, by the way, on MSNBC, where all those legal people every day all over you — on Trump is evil and Trump is going to prison and Trump is guilty of these felonies. It blew up in your freaking face because working-class Blacks and Hispanics that have to take the jackboot on the neck all the time said, hey, you know what? I don't know about this Trump guy. I haven't paid much attention to him, but I see what they're doing to him. Where like, get them all out tonight. Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, come on, baby. Give it to me.
Where are they? Jack Smith's running for the hills. Merchan's now saying, I think I'm gonna toss them all out. Where are you that Trump's a criminal and Trump's guilty of rape and Trump's guilty of economic pillage and Trump is an insurrectionist? Suck on this.
He's none of those things. You weaponize the apparatus, yes, when you not just defended the institutions, Alex Wagner. Don't sit there like the little cheery cheerleader. Not, oh, we're in the position. We have to defend the institution.
No. You weaponized the institutions, and you were part of it, and your staff was part of it, and the senior people at MSNBC, and the people that own NBC were part of it, and the Washington Post, and The New York Times because they understood in the old playbook, we will take out Trump. And once we take out Trump, this movement will just fritter away. What does not kill you makes you stronger. The central part of our movement is resilience.
You can kick us to the curb. You can stomp us. You can beat us in a battle, but you can't win the war, and you will not win the war. You people are revolting. Revolting.
What you have done to this country, what you've done to the citizens of this country, and yes yes yes, you will pay a price for that. You will pay a price for that. It's called justice. Rough Roman justice.